We're back with another One Click Coffee Box!
This box had Colonna Coffee in which I've tried several times before, and loved! And Mont 58, which I had not tried previously.
Colonna Coffee
"Colonna is driven by how exciting and incredible coffee can be, the character, flavour, and experience it can generate.
We look at how to achieve and realise this quality. Overturning norms and stigma to find the true quality is what drives us.
We seek to innovate and positively disrupt to explore and maximise quality."
Colonna have 3 main "coffee genres" they focus on: Foundation, Discovery and Rare.
Foundation - Coffees in the Foundation genre are balanced, clean and complex - with low bitterness and pleasing acidity. Flavours like these can only be achieved by growing the right coffee in the right place, with meticulous attention to detail during the harvesting process.
Discovery - Variety, growing conditions and processing methods all have dramatic effects on a coffee's flavour characteristics. The Discover genre celebrates the diverse and expressive flavours made possible by these distinctions.
Rare - The world of coffee is like a pyramid. All the coffee that Colonna selects and curates sits right up the top of the pyramid. The coffees in this genre are the glint at the very tip of the apex. These coffees are sought after and by their very nature are in short supply.
The Beans
Genre - Discovery
Country - Mexico
Limonada Natural
Limonada Natural is the culmination of close work from Grupo Terruno Nayarita and the communities of El Cuarenteno and Cofradia de Chocolon near the coast of West Mexico.
Coffee evaluation laboratories established at origin have allowed the dispense of immediate, high-quality feedback to the farmers, and the ability to provide full traceability for all their lots.
Catuai, Caturra and Criollo varieties make up this naturally processed lot - expect notes of plums, cherry and a long warm-spice finish.
The Brew
18g of Coffee
275g of Water
30 Second Bloom with Agitation
3 Minute 30 Second Total Brew Time
Taste - This coffee had an incredible warm spice aroma whilst brewing (think along the lines of hot mulled wine, with the cinnamon and clove aromas). It had a super sweet and fruity medium body, with some underlying plum-like acidity.
I've brewed this coffee quite a lot, and every time it's come out a delicious cup. Colonna sets the standard for high quality coffee with huge transparency on where their coffee comes from.
Find Colonna
Mont 58
Mont 58 is an artisan coffee roasters in South-East London.
"At Mont58 we hand-roast each batch of beans and experiment with a lot with different roast profiles to try and get the best out of each type of bean.
Not all beans are the same. Some need to breathe for a day after roasting. Others sit for three days before we bag them up and send them out. With each new batch of beans, we test roast and taste and test again. If we don't love it, we wont sell it."
The Beans
(unfortunately I cant find too much information on this coffee)
Roast - Light/Medium
Taste Notes - Soft, Light, Nutty
The Brew
18g of Coffee
275g of Water
30 Second Bloom
3 Minute 15 Second Total Brew Time
Taste - This coffee had a really dark aroma to it - I'm almost thinking it's roast profile is Medium/Dark instead of Light/Medium.
As a filter, it definitely became very bitter - however this might make quite a nice espresso for a milky drink. It wasn't to my taste profile, as I'm not a fan of dark coffee.
I tried a few recipes through filter, and every time it came out a bit too dark for my liking. However if you like your coffee on the more darker side this might be a good coffee for you.
Find Mont 58
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