Ice Skating + Seeing Santa - Christmas Bucket List

On my December Bucket List post, one of the things I wanted to do was go ice-skating, so on the 5th that's exactly what we did! 

Bournemouth have introduced an amazing thing called "toddler time" at the Skate ice rink in Bournemouth Gardens, and taking a 3 year old with us, we decided it was probably a lot safer to do the said toddler time. 

Every year, my sister and I have a little competition to see who has improved on our spins, (the only possible thing we can do without breaking bones) and I'd definitely say I'd won, even though I fell over a lot more, and did a basic head butt on the ice, but you know that's surely part of the fun? 

Myah even had her own little go at doing a twirl (which if that doesn't melt an aunties heart, I don't know what will) and considering she hated the ice last year, we couldn't get her off it this year, she even managed to do a lap on her own with us behind her (very impressed, future dancing on ice star maybe?)

After our ice skating hour was up and lunch was had, we headed off to a nearby garden centre on the way home, as we heard Santa was there, and of course, Christmas Traditions

Plowmans Garden Centre had the most amazing accommodating set up I'd ever seen, and we even had an elf to come and greet us to take us to Santa, there were animals such as piglets, turkeys and real reindeer's (including a baby one, who was only born 6 months ago) 
Being a vegetarian, I didn't find it quite as humorous as the others that the piglets were called "rasher" "apple sauce" etc, and that the turkeys if they're really good get to go to a really hot place called "ov-en" but I could definitely see the comedy behind it (albeit a bit sad) but none the less, we continued into Santa's Grotto

What was really great is that Myah (fussiest child ever) got to pick her own present from what seemed like a mountain of gifts, and very generous ones, (I also mentally picked out a remote controlled t-rex for myself) she also received a massive bag of sweets and a colouring book, which for £13.95 is more than you get at other places (and for a lot cheaper, since when did seeing Santa become so expensive?!) 

We also managed to get some family photo's around the area, which was actually really cute.

Although this bear terrified me more than I can say.

So not just the ice-skating was ticked off my December Bucket List, seeing Santa with Myah was as well, (2 birds with one stone right?!) 

We're also returning to the same Garden Centre in a weeks time to go to the Christmas circus there and have tea with Santa, which could be very interesting. 
I'm sure there will be another blog post about that.
