Recently life has really got to me, and I'm not writing for any kind of pity party, quite the opposite, I'm writing because I know in a few months I'll look back at the place I'm in right now and see how far I've come when I attempt to get my shit together.
It's been a rough 2 months, and as much as I have been regularly uploading to this blog, primarily about coffee, I still want to take it further, to be able to write different things, to be able to write about content that isn't just about coffee, and of course I can do that, it's my blog, but where to start?
I want to start writing a lot about mental health, I won't lie in saying my mental health is the worst it's been in 4 years, and I am struggling in finding ways to cope. Writing helps. So I hatched a plan that might not just help me, but other people too.
If you've visited my site in the last week, you might've noticed I've changed a few things, the categories that are on my blog, (and a soap information page, but more on that another time) and I've updated my about me page.
As for what kinds of posts are going to be appearing on this blog
- Untold coffee subscription boxes will continue every month
- One click coffee subscription boxes will continue every month
There will be at least 2 mental health and lifestyle posts (maybe not straight away but definitely in the future)
There will also be another random coffee feature, whether it be a specific coffee/brand or possible collaboration
So hopefully around 4-6 blog posts a month, which will be a challenge I'm sure, but a challenge I'll accept.
I will also be attempting to Blog Everyday In May again, because we all know how well that went last year (what did I get to, day 11? Maybe we'll reach 12 this year)
If there are any specific areas of anything (be it coffee, lifestyle, or mental health) you want me to cover on here, feel free to shoot me a message. I have tons of ideas already but I'd love to hear what you guys actually want to read.
Until next time