Let's Talk About Goals

It's taken me a few weeks to figure out how I wanted this year to go, what kind of things I wanted to achieve, and the goals I wanted for 2019.

As a very indecisive person, it was definitely a good thing for me to take the time to really think, and write at least 10 versions of the goals I wanted this year. 
The list has been chopped and changed countless amounts of times -but- I'm finally at the point where I'm saying "yes, this is it, this is the final list" 

So to make this a slightly easier read I've split this post into specific sections - Personal, Blog (The Coffee Life), Health and Fitness, Self Care and Bullet Journal


* Don't be afraid of self promotion

* Read 20 books

* Get 3 new tattoos

* Travel to 2 new places

* Be consistent with routines


* Blog 3 times a month - at a minimum

* Have more guest posts 

* Write things I love, that I'm passionate and proud about

* Get better at photography (and learning different styles of photography)

* Reach 20,000 blog views for 2019


* Go to the gym 3-4 times per week - inc 1 HIIT session

* Go to 1 pole fitness session per week 

* Swim 2 times per week 

* Steam room 2 times per week

* Practise flexibility multiple times per week

* Get back on track with eating


* Actually have a skincare routine

* Have weekly "pamper" evenings

* Be on phone less

* Read more self help books

* Meditate 3 times per week at a minimum 

* Use essential oil difuser everyday

* Continue weekly reviews


* Consistent use during 2019

* Complete year in pixels

* Complete habit tracker throughout months 

* Fill and complete book section

Do you have any similar goals? I'd love to know

The Coffee Life

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