Untold Coffee Box 6

That's right, it's that time of the month where we talk about the Untold Coffee Monthly Subscription, and after my last posts, I've had a few messages asking if I am sponsored, or sent these boxes every month to review on here. To clear up - The answer is no, I just love the idea of subscription boxes, and sharing them and what I think of them - and although I have got a few posts coming up with coffee's that I have been sent/given, I will always write if I have been gifted the coffee, but with the Untold Coffee box, I pay every month to have this delicious box delivered to my door. 

Now that long intro is done, we can get into the Coffee Box.

 Box number 6 contained 3 coffees:
2 x 200g bags from Untold Coffee Roasters
1 x 100g bag from River Coffee Roasters

As usual I used the same recipes for all 3 brews

23g of coffee
300g of water at 90 degrees
Ratio of 1:13
30 second bloom
Total brew time 3 minutes

The first coffee I tried was the River Coffee Ethiopian

Uraga Samii Washing Station
Guji Region Ethiopia
Varietal - Heirloom
Process - Washed
Flavours - Earl Grey, Peach, Red Grape

Aromas - Tea, bergamot tones,hints of fruit

Tastes - Grape acidity, hints of bergamot, and fruity flavour left on tongue
Tastes sort of like a light syrup-y tea, really delicious

The second coffee obviously from Untold was the Brazilian

Region - Illcnea, Sul De Minas, Brazil
Varietal - Yellow Catuai
Process - Natural
Flavours - Strawberries, Cream and Milk Chocolate

(will there ever be an Untold Coffee blog post without me missing a photo? no one knows)

Tastes - Deep chocolate notes, smooth and sweet with no bitterness and very low acidity level.
More subtle berry hints as it cools down, very delicious smooth coffee

The last coffee from the box was the Untold Rwandan

Region - Cyarumbo Estate, Huye District, Rwanda
Varietal - Bourbon
Process - Washed
Flavours - Caramel, Lemongrass, Vanilla, Grapefruit Acidity

Aromas - Hints of black tea aromas

Tastes - Lots of fruity acidity, very citrus-y
Syrup like undertones and becomes more vanilla as cools, with no lingering acidity, another amazing coffee

I know this is slightly behind schedule seeing as I've got one more untold box post to come out before the next one arrives (I'm trying my hardest!!!) but none the less I hope this was an interesting read.

If you would like a code to get your own hands on a club subscription, hit me up on either Instagram or shoot me an email.

Check out Untold Coffee
Website - Here
Instagram - Here
Twitter - Here

Other Untold Coffee Box Posts
Box Number 1
Box Number 2
Box Number 3
Box Number 4
Box Number 5

The Coffee Life

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